Grow Your own Vanilla ッ
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Organic Vanilla Planifolia Vines (V. Planifolia) rooted and ready to transplant
Origin: Reunion island (île de La Réunion)Terroir: Saint-Pierre
Bouture: 2024
The Vanilla Planifolia vine is one of the species of Vanilla orchid from the Orchidaceae family, native to the tropical forests of Mesoamerica with species also endemic to the African continent. There are more than 150 different species, with the vast majority of the differents wild species native to the Guianas region and Brazil. The Vanilla plant is a vine with terrestrial and aerial roots and long shiny leaves at the base of which the flower buds will also develop.
Sometimes considered an invasive plant because of its extremely resilient climbing vines, the Vanilla plant is an ideal plant for terraces or indoors. It is mainly grown for its aromatic pods which are used in cooking and also in cosmetics and perfumery. It can reach up to 30 meters in length, as its flexible stems cling to the support or stake by roots originating at the base of the leaves, as do the flower buds.
The flowering appears after 3 to 4 years on vanilla vines looped several times and 5 to 30 m long. The inflorescence of Vanilla planifolia appears after a few weeks of dry season which triggers the birth of clusters of 6 to 15 white or greenish yellow to greenish flowers. The flowers, which are slightly scented, only open in the morning and hatch successively as the weeks of flowering progress. The pollination of the flowers then gives way to long, cylindrical pods measuring from 14cm to 30cm.
The green pods turn yellow once they reach maturity, which takes at least 9 months, after which the fruits, once cured or matured and refined for 6 to 24 months, are adorned with rich and captivating flavors and aromas, and release when they open millions of black tiny oily seeds called Vanilla caviar.
Description and characteristics of the species Vanilla Planifolia.
Orchidales / Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Vanilla
Species: Planifolia
Origin: Central America, South America
Geographic distribution: America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific
Type: Epiphyte, Climbing
Life cycle: Evergreen
Growth: fast
Hardiness (Minimum temperature): 15°C
Exposure: bright under filter, protected from direct sunlight
Growing location: Indoor, tropical garden, greenhouse and veranda
Height: up to 30 m
Leaves: evergreen
2 Flowering seasons: White or greenish-yellow to green flowers – March to April then July to September
2 Harvest seasons: Green yellowish pods – December to February then from May to July
Toxicity: edible fruits once the epicarp is cooked or candied, the seeds are eaten as is.
Good to know: Vanilla is the only orchid species with edible fruits.
Growing Vanilla plants from a rooted organic Vanilla cutting:
The Vanilla Planifolia cutting can be kept for 3 weeks to 1 month before planting. Our Vanilla cuttings already have roots and are ready to be transplanted if you prefer a larger pot. If this is not, they will continue to develop and grow on the stakes you choose for them, such as a living trunk, or failing that, a stake surrounded by plant fiber, in a slightly shaded, warm and humid environment. Vanilla is a tropical plant that requires a humid atmosphere with a saturation rate of 80% and a temperature between 26 and 32 ° C to fruit. The Vanilla plant thrives on a substrate composed of a mixture of sphagnum moss, pine bark, dry wood, coconut fiber and cocoa pod, organic matter and peat, all well drained and regular watering with rainwater or demineralized water. Indoors we recommend spraying a diluted organic fertilizer to supplement the vanilla plant's mineral salt and nitrogen needs.
Transplanting the Vanilla cutting or plant:
Use a larger and deeper pot filled with a mixture of sphagnum moss, pine and wood bark, coconut fiber, cocoa, coffee bean bark and other dry organic materials and peat.Place the leafless base of the cutting under 3 to 4 cm of substrate and leave the end of the vine exposed to the air. Cover only 2 or 3 nodes and fix the rest of the vine, nodes pointing upwards, on the stake. Position the pot in full light but under sunlight filtered by a plant cover and keep between 15 ° C and 30 ° C.
Diseases and pests:
Vanilla plants are sensitive to sunburn, scale insects, as well as fusarium which can also cause root rot depending on the nature and quality of the substrate.
These Reunion Island Vanilla vines are well rooted, vigorous and healthy, already acclimated, and long from 0.5 meter to 1 meter. Delivered with or without pot and substrat.Packaging: in pot with substrat or wrapped in humidified bale of straw or hay and packed in box.
Reunion origin certified (île de La Réunion)